Hannah Montana Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana was a beloved Disney Channel show. November 23, 1992 It captured the hearts of millions of viewers. Many fans may remember the bubbly and talented Miley Cyrus as the main character. Age 32 years old But, another key cast member often stole the spotlight. It was her on-screen brother, played by Jason Earles. She is weight 48.9 kg and height 5 feet 5 inches  . Despite playing a high school student on the show, Earles was actually in his late 20s at the time. Now, in 2024, he is still a big name in entertainment. He’s got a successful career and a net worth of over $8 million. But what sets him apart is his young looks and fun personality. They make him a fan favorite and a source of endless laughter. Let’s look closer at the ageless wonder, Jason Earles. He’s part of the iconic Hannah Montana family.

Who’s Hannah Montana?

Hannah Montana is a super fun character from a TV show that lots of kids love! Imagine being a regular schoolgirl during the day. Then, at night, being a famous pop star. That’s exactly what Hannah Montana does.

She has a secret life where she wears cool clothes and sings songs on a big stage. When she’s not being Hannah, she’s Miley Stewart, a normal girl with friends and homework. It’s like having the best of both worlds. In one, you’re like everyone else. In the other, you get to live out your dreams of being a star!


Full Name:               Hannah Montana
Born Date:           November 23, 1992
Age:                                 32-year-old
Birthplace:                   New York City, USA

Early Life and Education

Hannah Montana, also known as Miley Cyrus in real life, grew up in a world filled with music. From when she was very little, Miley loved to sing and dance. She went to school like you, learning to read, write, and do math.

Hannah Montana

But she also had a special school for music and acting because she dreamed of being a star. Miley worked hard in her classes. She always found time to practice singing after her homework. She believed in her dream and knew that learning was a big part of making it come true.

Hannah Montana parents and siblings

Hannah Montana, also known as Miley Cyrus, has a family full of music and love. Her dad on the show is Robby Ray Stewart, played by Billy Ray Cyrus, who is her real dad too! He’s a country singer with a big heart. Hannah has an older brother named Jackson. He’s played by Jason Earles. He’s super funny and always up to something silly.

In real life, Miley has brothers and sisters too. They all share a big family that loves music, laughing, and having fun together. Like any family, they support each other and share lots of happy times.

Hannah Montana Husband and Boyfriend

In Hannah Montana’s world, there’s a lot about singing, laughing, and having fun. But, not much about boyfriends or husbands. Remember, Hannah Montana is Miley Cyrus on the TV show, and she’s pretty busy being a pop star and a regular girl.

She goes to school and hangs out with her friends, like any other kid. Miley has some crushes in the show, like lots of people do when they’re growing up. But most of all, she loves making music and sharing it with everyone. It’s all about the adventure and finding out who you are!

Hannah Montana’s age, weight, height, and physical appearance.

Hannah Montana, also known as Miley Cyrus, is a fun and sparkly character on TV.  November 23, 1992 Miley plays Hannah Montana,  who is around . Age 32 years old when the show starts. She’s pretty average in height for her age, making her look like any other girl you might know.

Miley, as Hannah, has a big, bright smile and loves to wear lots of colorful outfits when she’s performing on stage.  She is weight 48.9 kg and height 5 feet 5 inches  . She changes her look a lot. She’s a pop star, but she always keeps her hair long. She loves to add glitter and shine, making her look magical and eye-catching to her fans.

Hannah Montana Career

Hannah Montana’s job was being a pop star and a regular girl at the same time. On TV, she sang catchy songs that made everyone want to dance and smile. People all over the world watched her show because it was so much fun. She also acted. She showed us how she handled being famous and still going to school like any other kid.

Hannah got to wear cool costumes and perform on big stages. She also made music albums that lots of people loved. Her job was like having the best of both worlds, being a superstar and a normal girl!

Hannah Montana Before fame

Before Hannah Montana became super famous, she was like any other girl. Her real name is Miley Cyrus, and she had big dreams of singing and acting. Miley was born in a family full of love for music and movies, which helped her shine. When she was little, she enjoyed playing pretend, dressing up, and singing at the top of her lungs.

She always had fun imagining she was a star. Miley worked hard. She practiced singing and acting. She dreamed of the day she could share her talents with the world. And guess what? It’s her dreams came true, and she became the Hannah Montana we’ve all loved!

Hannah Montana Social Media Presence

Miley Cyrus, who we all know as Hannah Montana, loves sharing her life on the internet. She uses social media to post pictures and stories about what she’s doing. It’s like she invites us to be a part of her day! You can see her singing, playing with her pets, and having fun with her friends.

It’s cool because it feels like we’re right there with her. Miley also shares when she’s going to be on TV or in a movie, so we don’t miss it. It’s like getting a special invite to see what she’s up to next!

Hannah Montana Net Worth and Achievements

Hannah Montana, also known as Miley Cyrus, has done some pretty amazing things! She’s like a treasure chest filled with shiny awards. Imagine winning trophies for singing and acting – she has lots of them! People all over the world love her music and shows. Think about how cool it would be to have songs that everyone sings along to. He’s got a successful career and a net worth of over $8 million.

Hannah Montana has made lots of money from being a star, kind of like having a huge piggy bank from doing what she loves. She’s shown that with hard work, you can reach your dreams and have fun along the way.

Hannah Montana Legacy and Impact

The story of Hannah Montana is like a magic music box that once opened, filled the world with songs and laughter. It taught us that it’s okay to dream big and be more than one thing—a regular kid and a shining star. This show made a big, happy mark on many hearts, telling everyone that being yourself is the best.

Hannah Montana inspired lots of kids. She found the courage to follow their dreams, like Miley did with her guitar and smile. It’s a story that keeps reminding us to sparkle in our own unique way, every single day.


  • Miley likes dressing up and being on stage as Hannah Montana.
  • It’s like playing dress-up.
  • Playing video games is something Jason does for fun when he’s not acting.
  • They both love hanging out with their family and friends.
  • It’s good times for them.
  • Writing songs is another thing Miley does.
  • She tells stories through her music.
  • Jason has fun doing magic tricks.
  • He surprises his friends with them.

Favorite Thing

  • Miley loves music! She plays guitar and sings. Jason loves martial arts.
  • It’s like being a ninja! Miley has many pets, like dogs, cats, and a pig.
  • She loves animals. Jason thinks making people laugh is the best.
  • He loves funny jokes. Miley’s favorite part of being Hannah Montana was dressing up and performing on stage.
  • Jason enjoys playing video games when he’s not acting.
  • They both like spending time with friends and family, having fun together.
  • Miley also enjoys writing songs. It’s like telling stories with music.
  • Jason loves doing magic tricks to surprise his friends.

Interesting Facts About

  • Jason Earles, who played Hannah’s brother, is actually much older than he looks!
  • He’s like a real-life Peter Pan. Miley Cyrus, who is Hannah Montana, has a lot of pets, including dogs, cats, and even a pig!
  • The Hannah Montana show had a secret code.
  • The word “Oliver” is in every episode.
  • Jason Earles loves martial arts, which is like being a ninja or a superhero.
  • Miley Cyrus learned to play the guitar for her role as Hannah Montana.
  • The show was almost called “Alexis Texas,” but they changed it to “Hannah Montana.
  • ” Miley Cyrus and Jason Earles became like real siblings, hanging out even when not filming.


What’s Hannah Montana’s real name?

Her real name is Miley Cyrus! She played Hannah on TV,

Did you know that?

where she was a regular girl by day and a pop star by night.

Who is Hannah’s brother?

In the show, Jason Earles plays her brother, named Jackson. He’s funny and always getting into silly situations!

How old is Jason Earles?

He looks young, but he’s much older than he looks! It’s like he has a secret to staying young.

Can Jason Earles sing?

Jason is a great actor, and even though he’s super funny, singing wasn’t his big thing on Hannah Montana.

Did Hannah Montana win any awards?

Yes, the show won lots of awards because people all over the world loved it! It made many kids and families happy.


In this story, we’ve talked about Hannah Montana and her brother, Jason Earles. We learned about their lives, from when they were little to now. Jason, who looks young but is older, makes many people laugh. Hannah Montana is not a TV show; it’s a big part of many childhoods.

We saw how they grew, their family, and all the fun things they like to do. We also found out about the awards they won because they are super talented. So, remember, Hannah Montana and her brother show us that growing up can be fun and full of adventures.


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